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Johanna Ehlert




Concept  Manufacture Direction

Ich mache Figurentheater für Erwachsene.

Meine Theaterfiguren sind stumm.

Es ist also Körpertheater oder Physical Theater bzw. visuelles Theater. Meine Arbeit ist der Figurenbau.

Ich bin Figurenbauer. Ich baue ebenfalls Masken der Commedia dell'Arte. 

I am not only a puppeteer, but also a puppet builder. 

Je fabrique des marionnettes. On appelle ce metier facteur ou factrice de marionnettes.

Je fais également des masques. 

Ce sont des effets théâtraux . Mes propres spectacles sont muets.




Since 2001 I work professionally on stage and for stage productions.

I create puppets, masks, animated objects, body illusions and effects for various shows all over the world and 

direct them to life.



My specialty is the mostly mute interaction of puppets and humans, with the illusion of the puppet's autonomy. Puppets and humans meet at eye level. The dialogue consists more in movement and posture than in words or facial expression.


I accompany various projects in technical  and 

dramaturgical aspects. 

I coordinate 

puppets/masks/effects and the global project with one another. 

The focus is on the relationship between form and statement. 




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